Also, keep Gates out of Africa (as well as India)!

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For Biocrimes, Fraud, Extortion, Coercion, Crimes Against Humanity and Murder!

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be aware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact the who are meeting on november 4th to begin the process of finalising the treaty..go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours,,that said dont waste your time resharing it o gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it which also applies to both you tube and twitter it currently has over 272000 signatures yes it should have many more but a combination of censorship by the above named and apathy are badly hampering it

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My husband was The Science! He went into Pharmaceuticals as soon as he graduated from college. He proudly embraced and enforced all FDA regulations and guidelines! He was honest and a stickler to sticking to the rules of Pharmaceuticals. He later received an Executive MBA and continued on into by then Pharmaceuticals Biologic’s as Head Senior Qualify Control! He was all about QC. At one point he had a team of almost 300 people in S Korea at Samsung Biologics for three years, and made sure his large team followed strictly pharmaceutical guidelines and science as he knew it and made sure everybody followed all cGMP and GMP protocol! We moved back to the states and he continued heading Senior Head of Quality Control with

Lonza/Moderna where they were working on the FIRST Covid 19 mRNA Booster. He did not feel right about it, and had great controversy with the Covid vaccines since there was not enough information about the vaccines, and felt the process went against everything he knew and learned and went against Science and the FDA guidelines. He told me he got into pharmaceuticals to help people, not to ever harm or possibly kill people.

He was very proud to be making drug’s for diabetes and cancer drugs. Drugs that helped or possibly cured people.

He was torn working on the Covid Vaccine Booster or any Covid Vaccines for that matter he said it was 100% going against all science and they knew it! Fast forward the battle started beginning for him to get vaccinated!!! They told him he was in a very high lead position and needed to get vaccinated to set an example as people specially many of their scientists were dragging their feet about getting vaccinated. The bullying, the threatening, he had been in Pharmaceuticals for 32 + years it was his life and now his job was being threatened. He eventually gave in under immense pressure but after much research he decided to get the One shot no boosters necessary with the J&J Covid vaccine. He did not want the mRNA! His company was not happy he did not get the Moderna Covid Vaccine, but nothing they could do since he now had a covid vaccinated card saying he was vaccinated. My husband Scott Bingman passed away Jan. 27 2022 with blood clots that traveled to his lungs from a massive blood clot that originally started high in his thigh in his femoral artery and extended all the way down to his ankle! They put him on strong doses of “Eliquis” blood thinner that broke off smaller blood clots allowing them to travel to his lungs killing him! In Loving memory to my Scientist/Chemist Beloved Husband Scott Charles Bingman 1964-2022

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